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Never too old to learn

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I am a sucker for punishment.

OK, I’m using that word a little loosely I suppose. What I really mean is: “criticism, instruction or a good ol’ slap upside my head”. Any kind of advice or feedback that is harsh enough to get my attention, but genuine enough and (most importantly) said in love to try and make me a better person.

I feel beyond blessed to have people like this in my life. Today’s blog highlights one of those people. You may be surprised to read that I actually pay him for this punishment.

Meet Mr. Rob McGregor, of Spirit West Management – my very own Leadership Development coach. He doesn’t like to be called a corporate shrink but seriously people, the only thing missing is the couch.

I’ve talked about him before. He’s the one I went to the first time with a staff problem; only for him to tell me I was the problem. Whoa. That got my attention. I say what?

He has held up the mirror for me to understand my areas of opportunities (corporate speak for ‘my weaknesses’) and given me tools to better myself.

I wish self-improvement was easier but then again, nothing easy is worth waiting for.

If you live in the old-school world that thinks shrinks are for sissies, I hope you re-think your belief. I see coaches and counsellors as preventative medicine that we should all take, because every one of us humans was created to be more than we can imagine – evolving every day and year, striving to seize our God-given potential.

And so, I believe people like Rob are God’s gift to those of us who have trouble finding our potential on our own. Whether in business leadership, marriage enrichment, family relationships – you name it – Rob has had a positive influence on all these aspects of my life.

Don’t tell him I said this, but his influence is worth way more than what I’ve ever paid him.

So go ahead. Make that call you’ve always wanted to and reach out to be a better you.

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