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Growing a garden in the fall

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As fall continues on, you may be lamenting the final days of your garden’s bloom. It’s natural and quite hard not to miss sitting on your porch in admiration of your hard work. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to end here! Fall still offers plenty of opportunities to enjoy your garden while kicking-back on the porch.


No one can deny the beauty of fall leaves! The vibrant tones say volumes about the seasons sense of new beginnings. Although, not many consider how they can also be extremely useful. After you’ve had your fun jumping through the perfectly raked-together leaves, it’s time to pull them from your yard. Instead of throwing them away, you can use them to add to or create your own compost! While they slowly decay, leaves give off plenty of carbon, making them a great addition to a balanced compost.

Fall is also a great time to trim and prune shrubs. You can save time and energy by checking this off your to-do list now rather than waiting for spring! The twigs you gather from pruning can also be added to your compost. However, larger branches should be chopped up if you want to throw those in as well.

Thinking ahead

A lot of fall and winter gardening is realistically in preparation for spring. Like working on your compost, you can get going on some of the chores you’ll have months from now. If you’ve gotten your compost ready to go, consider planting bulbs next. Tulips, irises and crocuses are just a few bulbs that need a winter freeze to start their growing process. By planting them now, you are ensuring a colorful spring! However, you’ll want to be certain to get going on this before the ground freezes, but when temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can also jump the gun by buying spring seeds in the fall. Buying ahead may help you get a discount, as they’ll be out of season. To keep them fresh, simply store the seeds in the freezer and seedlings indoors.


Plants that outgrow their containers need to be repotted into larger ones. However, before you transfer your plant, note that it is much easier to maneuver when the soil is moist. Also, make sure there is fresh potting mix in its new home before you begin! Once you’re ready to start, prune any dead roots or branches. Then, remove about a third of the old potting mix and loosen the root ball. Finally, when you place the plant in the center of its new home, cover the base with more soil and water.

Repotted plants are perfect decor for your outdoor living spaces! If you have plants that are more delicate, keep them in a screened-in area. Phantom’s retractable screen systems will allow you to control how much shelter the potted plants get. Whether its sunny or breezy out, your screens will keep your plants healthy.

Trees and shrubs

Even further, fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs since the hot summer sun doesn’t have a chance to erode the roots. Plant these a few weeks before the first frost so that the roots can start to establish themselves. You’ll also want to wrap branches and leaves in burlap to protect them from the cold!


The top soil of your yard isn’t as active in the fall. Yet underneath, growth is still happening. During fall, continue to fertilize your lawn for the best garden results in the spring. Fertilizer rich in phosphorus is especially good for this time of year, as it helps strengthen roots. This is perfect for those who decide to plant shrubs!

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